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Up to 50% of households do not have access to off-street parking!
Up to 50% of households in developed countries rely on street parking. As the urbanisation trend continues this figure is only likely to grow.
Between the EU, UK and USA, some 10 million public chargepoints will be needed by 2030. The majority of these will need to be the overnight on-street variety.
On-street charging solutions have been severely lacking. The urban environment includes numerous highly-engaged stakeholders, from pedestrians to motorists, utility firms to residents. Overnight on-street charging requires a very specific solution, one that can appease the multiple demands of these varied stakeholders.
An on-street charger needs to be:
Economical - Existing solutions are too expensive. Millions of chargers will need to be installed and operated at low enough cost to be deemed economically viable by charge point operators. Furthermore, customers will expect costs to be as close to those paid by their private-charger owning counterparts.
Robust - The urban environment is demanding. Chargers will need to be resilient to damage, both purposeful and accidental. The ability of the chargers to reliably handle the harsh environment can have a huge impact on their economic feasibility.
Adaptable - Electric vehicle technology is evolving, quickly. Any on-street charger needs to be easily removed with minimal lasting impact on the environment and be capable of serving an alternative function if charging technology changes significantly. Otherwise, the risk is a portfolio of derelict assets causing annoyance and cost to existing stakeholders.
Scalable - The on-street environment is uncompromising. Space is at a premium, both above and below ground. Pedestrians, residents and utility firms vie for access to precious space in these densely populated areas. Current charging solutions often require significant concrete foundations and large excavations that simply can't be accommodated. On-street charging requires a solution that can be deployed at scale.
The overnight on-street market is the missing key to widescale EV adoption. Our charger has been designed from the ground up to consider the specific needs of a charger designed for this environment. Kerb-e is the only truly scalable charging solution capable of being deployed in any street setting.
The pictures below show examples of on-street charger installations that are poorly planned, unsightly and prone to vandalism.

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