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  • Is Kerb-e designed as an overnight charger?
    Yes. Kerb-e has been designed with congested urban environments in mind. The cost, simplicity and footprint of the system has been balanced to allow councils to adopt this minimally invasive design so that residents without off-street parking can charge their cars as if they had dedicated parking. We model our feasability on the basis that each port would distribute 3,000 kWh/yr which is just 8kWh a day.
  • How resilliant is Kerb-e
    Kerb-e is designed with the urban environment in mind. Our charger uses a flexible upper bollard that is designed to be resilient to the knocks and bumps you would expect in a busy residential street. Our bollard can even be knocked down flat and still return to its original form.
  • How do I pay?
    On-street charging is designed to serve residents in/around the area, frequently. It is expected that customers would benefit from using a mobile app to pay as this will also enable the customer to benefit from smart charging features. However, Kerb-e can be installed with RFID and contactless payment solutions which will enable a one-tap charging process if required. Our feature set will be dictated by customer behaviour and desires in the areas of deployment.
  • Will it offer smart charging?
    Yes. This is a requirement of new charging technology. New charging protocols will enable vehicles and chargers to communicate to each other more effectively which should bring about a range of new charging features designed to benefit the motorist.
  • Will my cable lock into the port?
    Yes. Our system is designed to lock your charging cable into place when charging commences and for the duration of your charging session. Even if your car is not 'charging' but the session is still active (i.e. overnight), the cable will only be released when your charging session has finished.
  • I love the design, can I be an early investor?"
    On-street charging is a compelling investment opportunity, Kerb-e even more so. If you would like to back this venture please get in touch with us at We would love to hear from investors who can bring some expertise or experience to the project. If you have worked in public infrastructure before and are able to utilise your 'black book' to help us roll this out please get in touch.
  • Do we need to provide dedicated spaces?
    Kerb-e is designed to be cost-effective. By being far less expensive to install and maintain, chargers can be installed in greater numbers and used in a more conventional manner. That being said, dedicated spaces can help drive EV adoption and create a more pleasant and effective charging experience. Dedicated EV charging bays are still a fiercely contested topic.
  • Do these work on 10yr+ contracts?
    Far less. The idea that current charge points will be running for the next 10-20yrs is a real stab in the dark. Frankly, charge point operators who suggest lifespans of 15-20yrs are being disingenous. Kerb-e works on realistic economics. Our clever design means that a street can be relatively easily returned to its prior state at far lower cost than using an alternative charge point design. The future of charging may change which is why we feel public charge points need to be good value, discrete, and easily reversible. Kerb-e works on <5yr lifespans but could easily extend far beyond that. It affords councils the most flexible solution to the public charge point challenge.
  • Can they be vandalised?
    Sure, if a vandal was determined enough. Kerb-e isn't immune from vandalism, but its position off the footpath makes it less likely to be a target and the durability of our flexible bollard means the unit is resilient to damage. In the event it is vandalised, repair/replacement is cheap and easy.
  • What if the kerb needs to be replaced?
    Not a problem. Kerb-e can be easily detached and reattached to the new kerb. The reality is that most kerbs that need replacing are located on corners and areas where cars or heavy vehicles might need to mount the pavement temporarily. This is rarely the case in the 'middle' section of a road where Kerb-e is most likely to be placed. Nonetheless, in the event a kerb does need to be replaced Kerb-e will not prove to be an obstacle.
  • What light and noise pollution do these charge points create?
    Very little. Illumination can be adjusted to suit the environment. On poorly lit streets Kerb-e may benefit from some soft illumination to make them more noticeable. In well-lit areas this will be unnecessary. Our chargers are silent.
  • We don't permit furniture this close to the road edge
    We recognise that, ordinarily, councils don't want street furniture installed close to the road edge, but the changing landscape of private transport requires some flexibility. A parking payment point might not be deemed suitable so close to the kerb edge, but Kerb-e has been designed with kerbside considerations in mind. Our flexible bollard withstands knocks and bumps and does not present a safety risk to pedestrians or motorists when positioned on the kerb, to the contrary. Having our unit located closest to the vehicle also reduces the chances of a trailing cable creating a trip hazard.
  • Do people really need AC chargers when rapid charging will do?
    This is a tricky question and nobody really knows the answer, yet. Balancing power generation and demand is tricky and as more cars become electric it would make sense if the load these placed on the national grid was more elastic. If EV owners without off-street parking were expected to use rapid charging for their needs then it would be fair to assume that this charging would need to occur during 'peak hours' when the grid would be at its most constrained. For all involved parties, overnight charging makes most sense. Excess renewable energy can be used to charge cars, distribution systems are less stressed, and electricity will be most affordable then too. Rapid charging will certainly be important, especially for those who cover hundreds of miles a day, but for the average driver, overnight charging should form the bulk of their charging needs.
  • Is Kerb-e OCCP compliant?
    Yes. Kerb-e is currently OCPP 1.6 compliant but our solution is currently being engineered to meet the new OCPP 2.0.1 standards.
  • Will Kerb-e be manufactured in the UK?
    We hope so. Our next stages of development involve assessing various manufacturing options to help determine the most appropriate method for scale production. We would love to support the British manufacturing sector by producing these units in the UK.

Kerb-e is the trading name of Kerb-e Inc. For more information please click the 'get in touch' button or email us at:

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